The Daily Grind / E24 – Tamara Bunte offers advice on selling during COVID-19

It was #FeelGoodFriday on the Daily Grind! We took a break from facilities and focused on a present challenge for supplier members who are working in sales during COVID-19. 

It was #FeelGoodFriday on the Daily Grind! We took a break from facilities and focused on a present challenge for supplier members who are working in sales during COVID-19. Tamara Bunte, America’s #1 Sales Coach, discussed how to sell during COVID-19. Tamara is known for her keynote speaking and presentations on a variety of subjects including Master Sales through Prospecting, Referrals & Discipline


“As we settle into selling in the current COVID-19 crisis, we want to make sure we stop partnering with fear. Fear weakens your immune system; from endless news cycles and living in isolation it’s easy to get stuck in a negative feedback loop,” explained Bunte


“I absolutely recommend taking a news fast. Your family members will keep you up to date on the important stuff while you focus on your job. View this as a time of rest, a hard reset across the board and a great opportunity to connect with friends and clients.


I’m a huge believer in friendship first, business second. A lot of people pre-coronavirus lived the exact opposite, so if we can switch that moving forward and really start building relationships, we’ll be in a much better place as we get back to the new normal.”


Bunte had six recommendations for those selling during a pandemic


1)    Get organized – have less than 100 emails in your inbox

2)    Call your customers and position yourself to be at top of mind when things get back up and running

3)    Connect with your customers. Whether through email or social media, reach out make that connection.

4)    Personalize your communications. Let them know you value your clients as people, not just as an order number

5)    Ask for referrals. Keep it classy, but absolutely reach out and ask. We’re all in this together, so let’s help each other out.

6)    Build up your 5-star Google Reviews. People make decisions based on reviews versus referrals, so now’s the time to get your customers engaged and get those Google Reviews online.


All of these are things you can do to not only boost your sales on the other side of this event, but keep yourself busy and productive during this reset,” concluded Bunte.

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