ConnexFM Sponsored Events Code of Conduct

ConnexFM Sponsored Events Code of Conduct

Adopted: September 6, 2017


The purpose of this Code is to establish minimum standards of conduct among participants at ConnexFM sponsored events, including meetings, conferences, conventions, networking events and any other activities organized and convened in the name of ConnexFM (“ConnexFM Events”). This Code applies to ConnexFM members and staff, and to all attendees at ConnexFM Events including without limitation, event registrants, exhibitors, guests, invitees and their respective agents and employees (collectively, “Participants”). In the event of any conflict between this Code and the provisions of any applicable ConnexFM Exhibition Rules and Regulations, the Exhibition Rules and Regulations will prevail.


A. Participants will treat each other with courtesy and respect at all times during ConnexFM Events.
Participants will not interfere with the activities of other Participants, including the free flow of traffic and conversation at other Participants’ bona fide exhibition spaces.

B. Participants will observe all ConnexFM registration, credentialing and admission rules, and will refrain from providing false or misleading information, before or during the course of participation in ConnexFM Events. Prohibited conduct includes without limitation: altering, changing or exchanging registration credentials; enabling the attendance of an unregistered person without prior ConnexFM consent; falsifying the identity, employment status or business relationship of a registrant, guest or invitee.

C. Participants will conduct themselves within the highest standards of professionalism, and will not act in such a way as to bring dishonor or disrepute to ConnexFM, themselves or others. Unacceptable conduct includes without limitation: excessive alcohol consumption; physical violence or the threat of physical violence; use of obscene or profane language or gestures; speaking or displaying language that disrespects, demeans or defames any other Participant, company or person; engaging in any illegal, illicit or immoral behavior while a Participant at a ConnexFM Event, whether on or off the Event premises.


A. An alleged violation of this Code may be reported to any ConnexFM staff member, who shall promptly notify the Event Compliance Officer (ECO) appointed by the ConnexFM CEO. The ECO shall meet in private with the reporting person as quickly as circumstances permit. In his or her sole judgment, the ECO shall then determine if the reported conduct violates this Code, and whether the reported conduct may be safely addressed by the ECO directly engaging with the accused person(s).

B. If the ECO believes the reported conduct poses a safety threat, the ECO will immediately summon on-site security or, if necessary, local law enforcement, to assist in removing the accused person(s) from the ConnexFM Event as quickly and peaceably as possible.

C. If the reported conduct does not pose a safety threat, the ECO will promptly notify the accused person(s) of the reported violation and request immediate compliance with the Code. The ECO will not engage in a debate with the accused person(s) over the merits of the accusation and will instead ask for termination of conduct giving rise to the accusation. As soon as practicable, the ECO will then prepare a report to the ConnexFM Ethics Committee including a summary of the reported violation, the response of the accused person(s), and a recommendation of further ConnexFM action to be taken, if any, including sanctions against the accused person(s).

D. If, after notice from the ECO, an accused person fails to comply with this Code, whether by continuing the reported conduct or by repeating other non-compliant behavior, the ECO may instruct the accused person(s) to exit the ConnexFM Event as soon as practicable. If the accused person(s) fails to cooperate with such instructions, the ECO shall summon on-site security, and if necessary, law enforcement to assist in removing the accused person(s) from the ConnexFM Event. The ECO shall then amend the report to the Ethics Committee to include recommended sanctions against the accused person(s).


Upon recommendation from the ECO, or upon its own initiative, and in consultation with ConnexFM legal counsel, the ConnexFM Ethics Committee may conduct an investigation of any reported violation of this Code, and determine if, in addition to actions taken by the ECO, any sanctions against the accused person(s) are warranted.

A. If the ConnexFM Ethics Committee seeks to impose sanctions, the accused person(s) shall:

1. Receive written notice of the reported violation, the report of the ECO, and the sanctions to be imposed.

2. The accused person(s) shall be given the opportunity to respond within twenty-one (21) days from the date of such notice, to request a hearing before the ConnexFM Ethics Committee or to otherwise dispute the reports or the sanctions.

3. Upon hearing or review of any timely response from the accused person(s), the ConnexFM Ethics Committee may suspend, amend or reconfirm its determination of sanctions, which decision shall be final and non-appealable.

B. The ConnexFM Ethics Committee shall have broad authority to impose sanctions that are fair, commensurate with the violations, and serve the stated purposes of this Code. Sanctions may include, without limitation:

1. Any company or person who violates any of the rules and regulations of ConnexFM including giving a badge to or registering an unauthorized person, is subject to a $500 penalty for each violation.

2. In addition, any company or person who violates the rules and regulations of ConnexFM may be subject, at the discretion of ConnexFM, immediate removal from the show premises and prohibition from attending ConnexFM in the future.

3. ConnexFM reserves the right to reject, eject, or prohibit any attendee in whole or in part, with or without giving cause. ConnexFM’s liability for rejection without giving cause shall be limited to a refund to the Attendee of the amount of fees unearned at the time of ejection. However, if an Attendee is ejected for violation of these rules or for any other stated reason (with cause), no return of fees will be made.