ConnexFM Sexual Harassment Policy



ConnexFM Sexual Harassment 

Policy Adopted: September 6, 2017

ConnexFM has adopted a zero-tolerance policy toward discrimination and all forms of unlawful harassment, including but not limited to sexual harassment. This zero-tolerance policy means that no form of unlawful discriminatory or harassing conduct by or towards any employee, member, supplier, or other person attending ConnexFM sponsored events will be tolerated. The Association is committed to enforcing its policy at all levels within the Association. Any member or event attendee who engages in prohibited discrimination or harassment will be subject to discipline, up to and including expulsion from membership and banishment from ConnexFM events.

Members of the Association, particularly those in leadership positions of any kind, are expected to understand and implement this policy; to prevent violations where possible; and to take alleged violations seriously.

Sexual harassment is unacceptable behavior and represents a serious violation of professional ethics. ConnexFM provides the following procedures under which claims of sexual harassment at ConnexFM sponsored events can be brought, assessed, and acted upon.



Sexual harassment includes, without limitation:

    • an unwanted physical advance or verbal approach of a sexual nature;
    • subtle or overt pressure for sexual involvement;
    • unwanted reference to one’s physical appearance, sexuality or to sexual activities;
    • unwanted physical contact;
    • the demand for sexual favors accompanied by implicit or explicit threats against one’s job security or success;
    • any comments or actions which denigrate a person based upon gender; or
    • unsolicited sexual gestures or comments or the display of offensive, sexually graphic materials.

ConnexFM recognizes that not every advance or comment of a sexual nature constitutes harassment. Whether a particular action or incident constitutes sexual harassment or not requires an objective determination based upon all of the facts and surrounding circumstances. Intentionally false accusations of sexual harassment can have a serious detrimental effect on innocent parties; are prohibited by ConnexFM; and may be cause for reporting and investigation under this Policy.



Any person who believes he or she has been the victim of sexual harassment at a ConnexFM sponsored event is encouraged to report the alleged acts immediately to one or more of the following individuals (the “Designated Persons”):

    • Connex Staff Ethics Liaison
    • Connex Legal Counsel

Any reports of alleged sexual harassment made to the Designated Persons will be discussed fully and confidentially with the reporting person. If the Designated Persons determine that a report under this Procedure suggests that a violation of the ConnexFM Policy on Sexual Harassment has occurred, the Designated Persons will, with the consent of the reporting person, promptly proceed with further investigation of the matter.



In determining whether alleged conduct constitutes sexual harassment, the Designated Persons will investigate the totality of circumstances, and the context in which the reported actions occurred. The investigation will include documenting the date(s), time(s) and location(s) of the alleged conduct; the name of the accused person; the names of any witnesses; and detailed statements about the alleged conduct from all parties contacted by the Designated Persons.

After completing the investigation, the Designated Persons will prepare a Statement of Findings including the substance of the reported actions, a summary of the information obtained, and a conclusion as to whether the reported action violated this Policy.



Upon completion of the Investigative Procedure, the Designated Persons will submit their Statement of Findings to the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) of ConnexFM who will, in consultation with ConnexFM General Counsel, determine, at his or her sole discretion, what action will be taken. Responsive action may include, without limitation, suspension of ConnexFM membership and/or attendance privileges at ConnexFM events, up to permanent expulsion from ConnexFM membership and permanent banishment from attendance at ConnexFM events.