Connex Releases 2019 Retail Facilities Maintenance Industry Overview Benchmarking Report

Connex is excited to announce the 2019 Retail Facilities Maintenance Industry Overview Benchmarking Report. This report contains more data than ever before including 150+ charts in five different areas – Demographics, Organizational Structure, Multi-Site Organizations' Budgets & Expenses, Supplier Management and Sustainability.

Connex, formerly PRSM, the authority on Retail and Multisite Facilities Management, is excited to announce the 2019 Retail Facilities Maintenance Industry Overview Benchmarking Report. This report contains more data than ever before including 150+ charts in five different areas – Demographics, Organizational Structure, Multi-Site Organizations’ Budgets & Expenses, Supplier Management and Sustainability.” data-reactid=”13″ style=”color: rgb(38, 40, 42); margin-bottom: 1em;”>Connex is excited to announce the 2019 Retail Facilities Maintenance Industry Overview Benchmarking Report. This report contains more data than ever before including 150+ charts in five different areas – Demographics, Organizational Structure, Multi-Site Organizations’ Budgets & Expenses, Supplier Management and Sustainability.

Connex, formerly PRSM, the authority on Retail and Multisite Facilities Management, is excited to announce the 2019 Retail Facilities Maintenance Industry Overview Benchmarking Report. This report contains more data than ever before including 150+ charts in five different areas – Demographics, Organizational Structure, Multi-Site Organizations’ Budgets & Expenses, Supplier Management and Sustainability.” data-reactid=”13″ style=”color: rgb(38, 40, 42); margin-bottom: 1em;”> 

The 2019 Retail Facilities Maintenance Industry Overview features new data on staffing, use of technology, budget forecasting and recycling programs. Additionally, this one-of-a-kind report highlights Connex Resources – Online Education Courses, Tools, Templates and White Papers – to assist facility managers in putting data into action.

Bill Yanek, Connex, CEO. “This new edition is a comprehensive resource showcasing the current state of the Facilities Management industry and shares education and resources to make efficient and effective business decisions.”

To illustrate the value of the 2019 Industry Overview, Connex created a Benchmarking Snapshot to share a glimpse into some of the available data. The Snapshot includes the industry average of the percentage of preventive versus corrective actions, number of full-time staff, lease agreements as well as Repair & Maintenance, Capital Expenditures and Remodel/Reimage budgets.

The 2019 Industry Overview was created using FY2018 data collected from the responses provided in the Retail Facilities Maintenance Industry Overview Benchmarking Survey. The Report includes the average aggregate data from 21% of the association’s Multi-Site FM membership segment. A variety of different store types are represented – including, but not limited to, apparel, banking/financial services, chain drug store/pharmacy, convenience store/gas station, discount store, grocery store/supermarket and medical/dental. Additionally, the snapshot features average aggregate data from 15% of the association’s Supplier membership segment.

The 2019 Retail Facilities Maintenance Industry Overview is available for purchase here.

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