
Copyright Disclaimer

Content is copyrighted 1995-2024 by ConnexFM (formerly Professional Retail Store Maintenance® Association or PRSM).

Information published on this website and in print form — original ConnexFM content, current and past issues of Professional Retail Store Maintenance and all other content — is intended for use as an information resource. It is provided for personal use only and commercial use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.

ConnexFM assumes no liability for opinions expressed in editorial content contributed directly to ConnexFM or any other publication carried online.  ConnexFM is not responsible for claims made in advertisements.

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Most data ConnexFM collects is used only to help us better serve our members. It is our general policy to collect and store only personal information that our members and visitors knowingly provide. If our privacy policies change, we will notify all users by e-mail or a special announcement placed on this Web site.

To gain access to members-only resources and personalization features on members and other users are asked to register and provide some limited information. This information is submitted voluntarily. ConnexFM asks users to provide their name, organization name, business phone, and e-mail. Similar information may be submitted to Connex through membership applications, conference or seminar registration, subscriptions, etc. Additionally, for some e-mails sent in HTML format by ConnexFM to its members through its listservs and electronic newsletters, we will collect specific information regarding individual content needs from Connex. Information collected through this tracking feature includes: name and email address of a user and a profile of their content requests from ConnexFM. ConnexFM only uses this information to enhance distribution of its products and information. This information is not sold in any other manner.

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This Web site contains links to other web sites. ConnexFM has no control over and is not responsible for the privacy policies or content or such sites.

Registration and attendance at, or participation in, ConnexFM events constitutes an agreement by the registrant to ConnexFM’s use and distribution (both now and the future) of the registrant’s or attendee’s image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions and audiotapes of such events and activities.

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ConnexFM makes available this Web site and the information and services contained herein in furtherance of its mission and goals. While ConnexFM makes every effort to present accurate and reliable information on this site, ConnexFM does not endorse, approve or certify such information, nor does it guarantee the accuracy, completeness, efficacy, or timeliness of such information. Use of such information is voluntary, and reliance on it should only be undertaken after an independent review by qualified experts. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process or service does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation or favoring by Connex.

On this site, live “links” to other Web sites can be accessed. Such external sites contain information created, published, maintained, or otherwise posted by institutions or organizations independent of ConnexFM.  ConnexFM does not endorse, approve, certify, or control these external sites and does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, efficacy, or timeliness of information located at such sites. Use of any information obtained from such sites is voluntary, and reliance on it should only be undertaken after an independent review by qualified experts. Reference therein to any specific commercial product, process or service does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation or favoring by ConnexFM.

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