French Bolen of Enterprise Signs earns ProFM Credential

French Bolen, Vice President Operations, Enterprise Signs has earned his ProFM Certification. Read below to see why the ProFM was a great fit for Bolen! 

French Bolen, Vice President Operations, Enterprise Signs has earned his ProFM Certification. Read below to see why the ProFM was a great fit for Bolen.

  • Why did you choose the ProFM program?

As a national sign company, we work directly with FM professionals every day on repair and maintenance projects, LED retrofits, and even rebranding and brand refresh projects.  We’re sign people so sometimes we don’t understand decisions our clients make and the reasoning behind them.  What better way to gain an understanding of their perspective than becoming ProFM certified? 

  • How did you use the study tools – reading and online quizzes – to progress through the program?

I’ll be totally honest, becoming ProFM certified is not easy.  We’re learning from some of the best minds in the business and the knowledge base is incredible.  With that said, if you go to a quiet place so you can focus, take time to review the materials, and take the progress check quizzes at the end of each module, you’ll make great progress.  I got really excited and motivated by the time I reached the last module.

  • How will the knowledge gained from the ProFM program help you in your day-to-day work responsibilities and/or in your career overall?

I feel like I can really relate to my clients a lot better than before.  Being ProFM certified enables me to ask questions that uncover needs so we can customize our solutions to their requirements. I’m able to put myself in their seat.  Every industry has its own language and terms.  I hope I can speak fluent FM now.

  • How will the knowledge you gain through the ProFM benefit your company?
    Great question.  If all I did was study hard, pass the tests, and pound my chest on LinkedIn it would be a shame and waste of time.  We do a lot of training at Enterprise Signs.  I like the old saying, “If you think training is expensive, you ought to try ignorance.”  Key learnings from ProFM are now a standard part of our training curriculum. 

  • Why would you recommend that other suppliers earn the ProFM credential?

Again, the big reason is to relate better to our clients.  Secondly, there’s a lot of material we cover that can be applied to pretty much any discipline, and not just FM.  Finally, if your company really stresses employee development, this is an awesome way to stretch them and give them a huge boost of confidence.   


The ProFM credential defines global FM standards and provides facility professionals with the knowledge and skills that have evolved beyond traditional FM responsibilities. Now is a great time to earn the credential. For more information about the ProFM credential, click here.

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