The Road to PRSM2023 is Paved with Technology

In 1999, Peter Drucker wrote “Beyond the Information Revolution” for The Atlantic magazine. In the article, he argued it would be e-commerce, more than computing power, information availability, or even AI, that would have the most revolutionary impact on societies, politics and the way we live. He was writing just five years after the founding of Amazon, before it became the juggernaut it is today. The e-commerce Drucker envisioned eliminated distance-related barriers and disrupted who customers were and even what customers wanted to buy. Drucker foresaw the continued commoditization of anything that a computer could make routine. As usual, Drucker was correct.


In 1999, Peter Drucker wrote “Beyond the Information Revolution” for The Atlantic magazine. In the article, he argued it would be e-commerce, more than computing power, information availability, or even AI, that would have the most revolutionary impact on societies, politics and the way we live. He was writing just five years after the founding of Amazon, before it became the juggernaut it is today. The e-commerce Drucker envisioned eliminated distance-related barriers and disrupted who customers were and even what customers wanted to buy. Drucker foresaw the continued commoditization of anything that a computer could make routine. As usual, Drucker was correct.

Fundamental Change.

Beginning in June 2017, the PRSM Team and PRSM Board of Directors embarked on a journey to fundamentally change PRSM. We began this process from a position of association market and financial strength, with a clear-eyed view that planning for the future is best done when times are good. That journey produced PRSM2023 – our association roadmap for the next five-plus years. As we enter the second half of 2018, PRSM is beginning the execution phase of PRSM2023. A central pillar of PRSM2023 revolves around technology. 

PRSM: Technology.

PRSM technology involves internal and external dynamics. Internally, PRSM technology is built upon our database and website. Much as Drucker predicted, association members now take for granted that an association will deliver the basics of membership online – paying dues, registering for conferences. The truly valuable association will deliver a customized member experience, which includes tools and resources members can use in the office or in the field. Externally, PRSM strives to provide the knowledge and resources our FM members need to successfully navigate an increasingly complex FM world. PRSM events, education and resources will continue to evolve by offering more content on technology topics, including education and speakers on the cutting-edge of multi-site facility management.

Not Just for Retail Anymore.

Another strategic direction PRSM2023 embraces is an expanded definition of retail. Increasingly, multi-site facility management cuts across various industries. For example, many of our PRSM retail members are adding food and beverage operations to their facility management portfolios. PRSM must evolve to serve these members. And, the more complex multi-site management needs become, the more reliant our FMs will be on advanced technology tools. More technology = more data. More data = an increasing need for supplier partners able to translate that data into usable information.

Customization Rules.

Nearly 20 years ago, Peter Drucker concluded that e-commerce was to the Information Revolution what the railroad was to the Industrial Revolution. And, like the Industrial Revolution, e-commerce would rapidly change the economy, society and politics. E-commerce and technology continue to impact PRSM, much like the FM industry at-large. Your team at PRSM is customizing and innovating to meet the challenges of our technology-dominated world.

By: Bill Yanek


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