New Book on Inspiring Your Team to #BeBetter Creating an Empowering, Nurturing, and Purpose-Driven Organization

Award-winning CEO and entrepreneur Michael Kurland writes about what it takes to be a successful leader in his new book Broken to Better: 13 Ways Not to Fail at Life and Leadership (Scribe Media; July 19, 2022). It’s part business book, part memoir written to motivate and inspire readers to take positive action and become the purpose-driven leaders they desire to be.


“Back in the early 2000s, I lacked any sense of purpose. I basically had hit rock bottom in both my personal life and career, and if I didn’t do something about it,” writes Kurland about his early years, “I knew I would never be happy with myself.”


So began a journey that led Kurland to a period of self-examination, laying the groundwork for a new vision for his life and guiding him to both professional and personal triumphs.


In Broken to Better Michael details how he made informed decisions that would bring about the changes he wanted. He quit his job, adopted a healthier lifestyle and moved from NY to Calif. to launch his business, which would eventually become the award-winning facilities management company, Branded Group.


“I had to get out of my old ways of thinking,” Kurland says about these initial actions. “It was definitely a risk to pack up everything and head to the West Coast, but if I wanted to change the trajectory of my life, I knew the changes needed to be radical. I needed to challenge the status quo, get out of my comfort zone and start with a clean slate.”


It was during this time that Kurland’s 13 principles for being a successful leader in an evolving business climate began to take shape. Some of these principles include consistently expanding your network of contacts, making a difference through innovative social impact programs and developing a culture of inclusiveness and empathy. These principles would influence every interaction he had with others and every decision he made in his business and personal life.


Kurland writes, “One of my biggest realizations at the start of the journey was that I couldn’t separate my personal and professional worlds. When you seek improvement, it’s important to #BeBetter in all aspects of your life—to be a better CEO, manager, employee, friend, coworker, or whatever shoes you fill.”


“This is not a book about white-knuckling your way to the top,” he says. “Rather it’s a book about taking a critical look at how you can become the best version of yourself so that you can do good for others. If this book can help someone else rise above their challenges and #BeBetter, then I’ve achieved my goal.”


Broken to Better: 13 Ways Not to Fail at Life and Leadership is available at Amazon and

PoreShield Protects Concrete Walkways at the Indiana State Fairgrounds & Event Center

Safe and sustainable soy-based technology enhances concrete durability long-term


INDIANAPOLIS (July 13, 2022) — PoreShield (SME-PS) concrete durability enhancer is protecting exterior concrete walkways and patios at the Indiana State Fairgrounds & Event Center. As a renewable, soy-based product, PoreShield is a cleaner alternative to petroleum-based solutions that is safer and easier to apply and increases the service life of concrete five-to-nine times longer.

PoreShield was first applied in July 2021 to concrete pavements outside the Glass Barn, a unique educational center filled with fun, interactive exhibits on Indiana farming at the Indiana State Fairgrounds & Event Center. Soon after it was applied to the walkways outside of the Farmer’s Coliseum and surrounding buildings.

Made from U.S.-grown soybean oil, PoreShield is one of more than 1,000 soy-based products currently on the market. Production of 1.5 gallons of PoreShield requires one bushel of soybeans, creating another use that drives demand for Indiana – and U.S.-grown soybeans – as its use adoption grows for protecting new and existing concrete from premature damage long-term.

During the Indiana State Fair and other events throughout the year, the concrete walkways at the Indiana State Fairgrounds & Event Center are subject to several potential sources of damage. Livestock biowaste, food/beverage waste, freeze/thaw and deicing salts can all contribute moisture and ions that can comprise the pore network of concrete, causing premature damage and deterioration.

Applied topically, PoreShield absorbs deep into concrete and creates a fluid, hydrophobic barrier inside the pore network of concrete. Once absorbed into the concrete pores, PoreShield blocks fluid and ion ingress and provides long-lasting concrete protection.

“As a first-of-its-kind technology, PoreShield actually enhances the durability of concrete by offering protection from the inside-out,” said PoreShield Technical Lead Paul Imbrock. “Since it does not set or cure, PoreShield continuously self-seals and adjusts to new damage as it occurs providing enhanced concrete durability for 10 or more years.”

In addition to the long-lasting protection the technology offers, applicators at the Indiana State Fairgrounds & Event Center were also impressed with how easy PoreShield was to apply. Matt Keller, marketing outreach manager for the Indiana Soybean Alliance was one of the applicators who applied PoreShield SME-PS to the walkways surrounding the Glass Barn facility.

“It took all-in probably five hours to apply the PoreShield using backpack sprayers and cans of the product,” said Keller. “It went on easily and smoothly as we sprayed it over the surface – it was really simple.”

The Indiana Soybean Alliance (ISA) developed PoreShield in partnership with the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) and Purdue University. ISA and the United Soybean Board support its expanded use through checkoff funds.

As a soy-based concrete durability enhancer, PoreShield offers safe and sustainable concrete protection. PoreShield is also a low-VOC, nontoxic and low-odor solution for enhancing concrete durability. Plus, the technology doesn’t require hazardous waste cleanup and no PPE is required.

“One of the biggest benefits of PoreShield is that it is safe for the environment and for those applying it,” said Keller. “You don’t have to worry about wearing a breathing apparatus and there’s no need to be concerned with any kind of runoff and how it affects the general public or plant life and waterways around you.”

To see the PoreShield-treated walkways first-hand, visit the Indiana State Fair Friday, July 29 through Sunday, August 21, 2022.

To learn more about PoreShield, visit