The Daily Grind / E25 – Shawn Black emphasizes trust as key to FM/Supplier partnerships going forward

This week on the Daily Grind livestream, we’re discussing the road to re-opening as many states make plans to open businesses. Monday, Shawn Black, CRFP, discussed what multi-site companies can do as they plan to reopen facilities. As an expert and speaker in brand strategies and Regional VP of Business Development for CPG Maintenance & Construction Services; Shawn brings his market knowledge as we navigate these difficult times and map the road ahead.


CGP has implemented several new services during the quarantine. Our ICR report, basically dark store maintenance, has been instrumental in keeping dark stores functioning properly during the lockdown and prepare for re-opening. We’re also working on keeping our stores sanitized and providing the new methods to battle COVID-19 now and in the future.


It’s been interesting as stores look to re-open. The major theme I’ve noticed is FM’s looking for partners they can trust. They need partners that are flexible and understand the challenges they’re facing. Providing stability and positivity day to day is will be crucial moving forward.


There are a lot of resources available as you prepare stores to re-open. Bottom line stick to what is known. Review CDC guidelines and local / federal requirements. Be sure to work with partners you trust to do the same. FMs and Supplier both have enough to worry about with all the new restrictions and regulations, make sure your team has your supplier team has your back. That will make re-opening go smoother.  

National Restaurant Association issues guide for re-opening

The National Restaurant Association’s ServSafe team has released guidance to help restaurants restart when the nation begins reopening its businesses.

Download the NRA Restaurant Reopening Guidance

ServSafe partnered with the Food and Drug Administration, public health officials, industry representatives, academia, the Conference for Food Protection, and Ecolab Inc., to create protocols for restaurants to reopen safely.

Additionally, the document incorporates recommendations from FDA’s just-released Best Practices for Retail Food Stores, Restaurants, and Food Pick-Up/Delivery Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The guidance offers instruction on how to begin serving customers in partial and full-service capacities. The Association encourages combining the guidelines with existing corporate policies, the FDA Food Code, ServSafe training, and recommendations from local health officials.

The guidelines cover four areas.

1.     Food safety – Follow and maintain food-safety practices as carefully as the COVID-19 safety protocols.

·        Discard all out-of-date food items.

·        Put sneeze guards in place where local and state officials permit salad bars and buffets.

·        Change, wash and sanitize utensils frequently, and place appropriate barriers in open areas. Cafeteria-style (worker served) is permissible with appropriate barriers in place.

·        If providing “grab-and-go” service, stock coolers to no more than minimum levels.

·        Ensure the person in charge at your establishment is ServSafe certified and that his or her certification is up to date. Provide food-handler training to refresh employees.


2. Cleaning and sanitizing

·        Thoroughly detail-clean and sanitize your entire facility, especially if it’s been closed.

·        Focus on high-contact areas touched by both employees and guests.

·        Do not overlook seldom-touched surfaces.

·        Follow sanitizing material guidance to ensure it is at effective sanitizing strength, and to protect surfaces.

·        Between seatings, clean and sanitize table condiments, digital-ordering devices, check presenters, self-service areas, tabletops, and common-touch areas.

·        Avoid all food contact surfaces when using disinfectants.

·        Discard all single-use items. Consider using rolled silverware and eliminating table presets.

·        Remove lemons and unwrapped straws from self-service drink stations.

·        Clean and sanitize reusable menus. If you use paper menus, discard them after each customer use.

·        Implement procedures to increase how often you clean and sanitize surfaces in the back-of-house.

·        Avoid all food contact surfaces when using disinfectants.

·        Check restrooms regularly, and clean and sanitize them based on frequency of use.

·        Make hand sanitizer readily available to guests. Consider touchless hand sanitizing solutions.


3.     Employee health monitoring and personal hygiene

·       It is important to do a pre-check to make sure employees are healthy as they report to work.

·        If an employee becomes ill or presents signs of illness, identify the signs during a pre-work screening and send them home. Follow your business’s established policies on when the ill employee can return to work. At a minimum, follow CDC guidelines; tell the employee to self-isolate for seven days from the onset of symptoms, and be symptom-free for three days without medication.

·        The CDC has not mandated taking an employee’s temperature. Any operator who chooses to do so should engage health officials first and adopt policies aligned with proper procedures.

·        Train all employees on the importance of frequent hand washing, use of hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol content, and give clear instruction to avoid touching hands to face.


4. Social distancing – Guests as well as employees should maintain distance.

·        Post signage at the entrance stating no one with a fever or symptoms of COVID-19 can enter the restaurant.

·        Update floor plans for common dining areas, redesigning seating arrangements to ensure at least six feet of separation between table setups.

·        Design a process so guests stay separated while waiting for seating. Don’t allow them to congregate in waiting or bar areas. This process can include floor markings, outdoor distancing, waiting in cars, etc.

·        Limit party size at tables to no more than the established “maximums approved” as recommended by CDC or approved by local and state government.

·        Physical barriers are acceptable where practical, especially in booth seating.

·        Consider a reservations-only or call-ahead-seating business model to better space diners.

·        Social distancing measures based on square footage should take into account service and guest areas.

·        Remind third-party delivery drivers and any suppliers that you have internal distancing requirements.

·        Limit contact between wait staff and guests.

·        If practical, physical barriers such as partitions or Plexiglas at registers are acceptable.

·        Use technology where possible to reduce person-to-person interaction, including mobile ordering, menu tablets, texts on arrival for seating, and contactless payment.

·        Determine ingress/egress to and from restrooms to establish paths that mitigate proximity for guests and staff.

·        Consider an exit from the facility separate from the entrance.

The Daily Grind / E24 – Tamara Bunte offers advice on selling during COVID-19

It was #FeelGoodFriday on the Daily Grind! We took a break from facilities and focused on a present challenge for supplier members who are working in sales during COVID-19. Tamara Bunte, America’s #1 Sales Coach, discussed how to sell during COVID-19. Tamara is known for her keynote speaking and presentations on a variety of subjects including Master Sales through Prospecting, Referrals & Discipline


“As we settle into selling in the current COVID-19 crisis, we want to make sure we stop partnering with fear. Fear weakens your immune system; from endless news cycles and living in isolation it’s easy to get stuck in a negative feedback loop,” explained Bunte


“I absolutely recommend taking a news fast. Your family members will keep you up to date on the important stuff while you focus on your job. View this as a time of rest, a hard reset across the board and a great opportunity to connect with friends and clients.


I’m a huge believer in friendship first, business second. A lot of people pre-coronavirus lived the exact opposite, so if we can switch that moving forward and really start building relationships, we’ll be in a much better place as we get back to the new normal.”


Bunte had six recommendations for those selling during a pandemic


1)    Get organized – have less than 100 emails in your inbox

2)    Call your customers and position yourself to be at top of mind when things get back up and running

3)    Connect with your customers. Whether through email or social media, reach out make that connection.

4)    Personalize your communications. Let them know you value your clients as people, not just as an order number

5)    Ask for referrals. Keep it classy, but absolutely reach out and ask. We’re all in this together, so let’s help each other out.

6)    Build up your 5-star Google Reviews. People make decisions based on reviews versus referrals, so now’s the time to get your customers engaged and get those Google Reviews online.


All of these are things you can do to not only boost your sales on the other side of this event, but keep yourself busy and productive during this reset,” concluded Bunte.