Mel Robbins Unplugged

Top author, presenter and motivational speaker will keynote PRSM2019 

Anyone striving for motivation in their professional or personal life can expect to be kicked into gear when motivational speaker Mel Robbins delivers the keynote address at PRSM2019. Her method for ending procrastination has become a world-wide phenomenon and has helped people across the globe take ownership of their lives and turn their dreams into realities.

Robbins will give attendees inside details from her latest book, The 5 Second Rule. She will explain how to set aside the fears and anxieties that lead to procrastination in order to take full advantage of what she calls “push moments” — windows of five seconds one has to turn a thought into an action. Robbins states that if you don’t act within those first five seconds, your brain instinctively tends to “kill” the idea, making the odds of truly acting on that idea drop significantly. According to Robbins, “Hesitation is the kiss of death. You might hesitate for just a nanosecond, but that’s all it takes. That one small hesitation triggers a mental system that’s designed to stop you.” By understanding this mental trap, one is able to move past insecurities and doubts to realize both short-term and long-term goals. 

At her keynote session, PRSM2019 attendees can expect tips on making seemingly insurmountable obstacles much more manageable, just by listening to your own thoughts and making moves to enact them immediately. 

Robbins is recognizable from her appearances as a contributor on CNN, her TEDx talks and her work as an accomplished writer. The 5 Second Rule has become an international best-seller, having been named the top audiobook on Audible, as well as the sixth most read book on Amazon in 2017. Robbins has worked in several fields — as a criminal defense attorney, an accomplished retail and technology entrepreneur and a host of several television shows. She attended Dartmouth University as an undergraduate and received her law degree from Boston College. 

Twitter: @melrobbins



Budding New Industry

Cannabis retailer MedMen is leading the way in facilities management for the emerging trade

By Scott Mason

Although not yet federally legal, as it stands now, 33 states have passed pro-marijuana legislation, including 10 of those approving recreational use for adults. With wider access and availability to marijuana, the demand has grown significantly for cannabis retail facilities. Enter MedMen, a now publicly traded marijuana retailer based in Culver City, California. With stores in California, Nevada and New York, and store-front operations soon to open in Florida, MedMen is poised to become one of the retail giants in the cannabis business. 

As the industry evolves, so too does the need for best practices focused on facilities management. Andres Ott, Facilities Manager at MedMen, has played a key role in fulfilling the company’s mission to provide a great customer experience. “My FM background includes experience in: residential, commercial, food distribution, global facilities and national retail. When MedMen decided to expand their retail presence and hire a facilities leader, I went all in and I haven’t looked back,” Ott said. 

State by state

Since the industry is relatively new, and somewhat segmented based on state-to-state code variances, MedMen employees are often tasked with navigating the laws and regulations in the city or state in which they operate. Ott’s job, however, is to ease the burden by taking worries about facilities off their plates. “Although each state — and even some cities — have different regulations, those slight variations don’t necessarily change what my role is within the portfolio. My job is to minimize the time spent by our retail and hospitality partners focusing on the facility and allow them to provide world-class service to our customers,” Ott said. “The only difference for me is understanding how regulations have changed from state-to-state or city-to-city and ensure we do not have any glaring concerns or issues that would cause a store to get shut down. Our compliance team is very strong and professional and are great partners in ensuring MedMen is compliant across the chain.”

When asked about the future of the cannabis industry, Ott said that expansion to other states is on the horizon. “As the future continues to develop, I see a continued expansion into states that provide their constituents adult use options in addition to the medical aspect that allows for patients to seek alternative medications for many ailments including getting away from opioids to manage pain,” Ott explained. “Every day you hear or read in the news of additional states considering adult use initiatives. I see cannabis expanding into more states as the months go by and full federalization within the next few years.” 

Looking forward 

As we track the future of the cannabis industry, facilities management will play a big role in the success or failure of these new retail stores. Andres Ott and MedMen understand this and will continue to make an impact in evolving not only the cannabis market, but the retail market as a whole. 

Sidebar: Five Tips for FMs Looking to Add Cannabis to Retail Lineups

“As states continue to legalize cannabis sales for tax generating purposes, the idea of integrating it into other retail environments may be enticing to retailers. However, with the regulatory aspect cannabis contains currently, I do not see it being distributed like alcohol or cigarettes,” Ott predicted. He offered five suggestions for FMs that may be looking to add cannabis sales to their product lineup in the future:

Ensure you understand the compliance aspects of cannabis and what your facilities need to do to be compliant.

Partner with your retail team to understand their strategy and streamline support.

Define a facility request. With compliance pressure, facilities tend to be the catch-all and should involve other partners to ensure everyone understands their responsibilities.

Have a robust software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform that can grow, while being nimble with changes or adjustments that occur within your realm.

Be prepared to take on everything. Define the needs of every partner involved.


Take a Cannabis Tour

As cannabis has become legal in Colorado and other states, a new vertical retail market sector has emerged. Come join us as we take a closer look at the growing retail cannabis industry. This 2.5-hour tour will visit two dispensaries and one cannabis grow facility. The tour will focus on retail operations and will be led by a team of guides who have an extensive background in cannabis retail, general retail operations, as budtenders, store management and territory managers. They will share insights into grow operations, MIPs (marijuana infused products) and much more.

By attending this session, you will:

• Learn about marijuana facilities codes, standards and managing hazards.

• Comprehend the basics of cannabis law and regulations.

• Evaluate the difference in medical versus recreational use.

• Discuss facilities management challenges for dispensaries and grow facilities.

Monday, April 29, 2019

8:00 A.M.-11:00 A.M., MST

Cannabis Dispensary & Grow Facility Tour – $125

Register at

Must be at least 21 years of age and provide a valid U.S. issued ID or passport at the tour check in. Includes continental breakfast and transportation.

Mixed Maintenance

Mixed-use developments promise unique opportunities for retail tenants — and unique challenges for retail facility managers

By Matt Alderton

The typical Walmart Supercenter feels like a small, self-contained city. A modern-day Main Street, it has everything consumers need to live a contemporary American life, including a restaurant at which to eat lunch, groceries with which to make dinner, an oil change for your car, new school clothes for the kids and seasonal flu shots from a nurse. There’s even tax-return help at tax time. It’s what has made Walmart so popular and powerful — if you need it, it has it.

And yet, nearly 70 years after Sam Walton opened his first five-and-dime in Bentonville, Arkansas, there are still things you can’t get at Walmart, or most other retailers, for that matter. Things like experiences and community, which consumers desperately want but can’t always access.

Enter the “Walmart Town Center.”

Unveiled in October 2018, Walmart Town Center is a new concept that will transform massive, underutilized parking lots at select Walmart Supercenters into walkable community centers that host farmers markets, festivals and other community gatherings. Along with third-party retailers and restaurants to which Walmart will lease space, they’ll include a wealth of experiential amenities, such as: food halls and food trucks; entertainment options like bowling alleys and movie theaters; sports offerings like driving ranges, skate parks, basketball courts and ice skating rinks; transit services like bike rentals; and outdoor community spaces like parks, playgrounds and jogging paths.

It’s a bold move, but it’s just one piece in a larger industry puzzle: the transition from traditional malls and shopping centers to new mixed-use developments.

“Overall, there is a trend toward diversifying the experiences and offerings in and around retail,” said Mark Sullivan, Senior Managing Director at CBRE, a commercial real estate services and investment firm. “In larger developments, the trend is toward mixed uses that enable all ships to rise given the synergy and proximity of complementary goods and services.”

For the business, synergy is savvy. For retail facility managers, however, mixed-use can be a mixed bag. In order to be effective in mixed-use developments, they must embrace a new way of working that’s holistic and communal — like the communities themselves.

Great Expectations

To succeed in retail, one must know his or her product intimately. That’s as true for facility managers as it is for salespeople. In the case of mixed-use developments, the former must realize their product isn’t a facility at all; rather, it’s the lifestyle the facility affords.

“With mixed-use centers, you’re dealing with folks who are walking by every single day, either because they work there in non-retail spaces or because they live there,” explained Matt Little, Regional Area Manager, Store Development, at Gap, Inc. “If you’re one of those people, you’re paying rent, you’re buying food, you’re buying clothes — all in one spot. You’re spending a lot of money at that property, so you have high standards for how you want that community to look.”

In some cases, those high standards manifest in the form of increased maintenance expectations. “Mixed-use centers are much more detail-oriented and much more cognizant of their appearance, so there tends to be more accountability when it comes to maintaining storefronts,” Little continued. “That may mean increased cleaning services, for example, or increased work-order calls for lights that are out or signs that are not fully lit.”

Because they’re typically spelled out clearly in the store’s lease, facility managers can manage increased requirements by getting ahead of them. “It’s being proactive,” Little said. “You might have a dedicated route, for example, where you change light bulbs on a schedule versus waiting for them to go out. Or you might educate store staff to open a work order as soon as they identify an issue instead of waiting for it to get bigger.”

The latter is especially important. “It’s going to take a little extra work from the store personnel to help us out as far as keeping things clean on a daily basis so that it doesn’t become a larger expense down the road,” Little continued. “It’s a mindset shift from having facilities take care of everything for you, to store personnel taking a little more ownership of the store in terms of its maintenance.”

Respecting the Rules

Often, covenants in mixed-use developments encompass not only the appearance of the community, but also access to it.

“The most obvious challenge in many of these locations is in trades and other retail vendors gaining access to service retail space equipment through the landlord,” Sullivan said. “There are often rules for parking commercial vehicles, gaining access to rooftops, maintenance windows for project work and deliveries, etc., and all must be integrated into the retailer’s facilities management operation.”

Mixed-use landlords typically have good reasons for restricting access, Sullivan explained. “The most obvious example is roofs,” he said. “Often, roofs have long-term warranties of 20 years. If a retailer’s HVAC supplier damages the roof with additional penetrations without following proper procedures — working with the warranty ‘owner’ roof contractor who is certified on the roof system — warranties can be voided.”

To achieve equilibrium between vendors who need access and landlords who want to restrict it, consider leveraging a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) to align maintenance activities with community policies and procedures. “Computerized maintenance management systems, often employed by retailers or their facilities-management service providers, effectively manage … details in work rules at the site level, take the lease requirements into account, help prevent retailers from breaching rules and keep maintenance on time,” Sullivan explained. “Modern CMMS systems can also manage services that have warranty-related restrictions and keep retailers and landlords organized to minimize breaches.”

Environmental Imperatives

The lifestyle mixed-use centers market to their tenants is often a sustainable one. Facility managers working in mixed-use developments should therefore brush up on environmentally friendly maintenance techniques, Sullivan explained.

“For mixed-use facilities with LEED and energy-efficiency goals or desires, keeping the community aligned with LEED and energy requirements will take not only a deep understanding, but also communication and a collaborative approach. A cooperative community will be vital to making sure the overall health of the mixed-use campus is sustained,” he said. “That said, a landlord’s sustainability requirements will be dictated within the lease and specified.”

It’s up to facility managers to communicate those requirements to anyone who needs to know them. “It’s important these requirements are shared in work orders dispatched to suppliers so the suppliers can be cognizant of the rules, but also so they are prepared to bring the right tools and method of procedure with them,” Sullivan continued. He also recommends ongoing education for facilities managers who lack sustainability savvy. “It … poses a challenge to find facilities and maintenance talent that are well-versed in a variety of different systems aimed to achieve these environmental standards. Education and hands-on training are the best ways to ensure systems and programs installed operate as intended during occupancy.”

Conquering Communication

Not every mixed-use community has sustainability requirements. By definition, however, all of them have diverse stakeholder groups that complicate the maintenance ecosystem. For that reason, mixed-use developments’ greatest challenge — and best solution — is communication.

“You’re going to have the same facility issues in a mixed-use facility that you have anywhere else. The difference is: Now you’re surrounded by different types of tenants … whose needs you have to take into consideration,” said Bill Schaphorst, Vice President of Business Development at facility maintenance and repair company MaintenX International.

Little agreed, “Instead of other retailers with the same business hours, our neighbors in these spaces are doctor’s offices and real estate offices that close a lot earlier than we do; restaurants and bars that are open very late at night; or even residential tenants who live directly above or adjacent to the store. So we often have noise restrictions during certain hours and curfews we have to work around.”

Schaphorst, for example, recalls a retail client that shared a mixed-use development with a senior-living facility. The client wanted to perform an electrical upgrade, but doing so required shutting down electrical service. “The retail space wanted to stay open during the day, but the senior-living folks didn’t want to be shut down at night because there was nobody there to take care of people in case of an emergency,” Schaphorst explained. “It took us six months to figure out how to schedule it properly, but we finally figured out a way to get the project done by working from 6 A.M. to 9 A.M.”

The project was completed thanks to successful communication between numerous stakeholders, including the retailer, the senior-living facility, the mixed-use landlord and the electric utility company.

“Without adequate communication, the process breaks down and costs the retailer hard dollars through extra time onsite,” Sullivan said.

An effective communications plan outlines what you need to communicate, when, how, with what frequency and to whom.

The latter is especially important. “The best thing to do is to know who your business partners are [in the mixed-use center],” Little said. “Get in touch and build relationships with the property managers there so you understand what their requirements and procedures are. It makes the whole process a lot smoother.”

It’s a good reminder: Retail’s face may change to include new formats like mixed-use, but its heart will forever stay the same.

“This is a relationship business,” Little concluded. “The stronger your relationships, the easier it’s going to be for you to do what you need to do for your store” — wherever it’s located.

Mad About Mixed-Use

Mixed-use developments are a new take on an age-old idea  

By Matt Alderton

In New York City, dreams really do come true. Not only for aspiring actors, chefs, models and musicians, but also for ambitious real estate developers. Since at least 1956, they’ve been angling to develop Hudson Yards, a blighted area on the West Side of Manhattan whose location on the banks of the Hudson River makes it the ideal canvas for a real estate renaissance.

For more than half a century, developers tried to replace the rusty rail yards, for which Hudson Yards was known, with shiny new skyscrapers. And for more than half a century, they failed. Their fortunes finally changed, however, in 2005, when the city rezoned Hudson Yards and created the Hudson Yards Special District. Seven years later, in 2012, ground broke on the largest private development in U.S. history. Scheduled for completion in 2024, the $15-billion, 26-acre Hudson Yards project will comprise 20 million square feet of offices, apartments and retail outlets, much of which will be built atop two “platforms” constructed over the existing rail yards. The result: a brand-new neighborhood that will include more than 100 new shops and restaurants, approximately 5,000 new residences, 14 acres of public open space, a 750-seat public school, a 200-room “fitness hotel” and a six-story cultural center.

“Hudson Yards will be the new heart of New York City,” said Stephen Ross, Founder and Chairman of developer Related Companies, at the project’s groundbreaking.

Although Hudson Yards is special, it’s not unique. In cities and suburbs across the country, similar developments are popping up like plants sprouting in spring. They’re so prevalent, in fact, that PRSM included them in its “2019 Trends Report” as one of the top retail trends impacting retail facilities management in 2019. Known as “mixed-use” developments, they amalgamate diverse and disparate real estate types — for example, residential, office and retail — within a single, pedestrianized footprint.

“It comes down to the notion of integration,” said Jerry Hoffman, CEO of Hoffman Strategy Group, a boutique, national real estate advisory firm. “These are manufactured communities, but over time they become really authentic places where people live, work and play.”


For the people who occupy them, the product of mixed-use developments isn’t just new real estate, Hoffman explained; it’s a new lifestyle. For that reason, mixed-use developments often are called “lifestyle centers.”

“There has been a fundamental shift in consumer lifestyles that has been occurring for some time in the United States,” Hoffman continued. “Instead of the purely transactional relationship provided by malls and shopping centers, the most recent generation of consumers prefers a more unique, curated mix of merchandise in a more vibrant urban setting.” Hoffman hypothesized numerous drivers of this shift. One is e-commerce. Because consumers can transact so easily online, he said, they’re demanding more experiential environments offline.

Another driver is demographics. The largest generations in the United States are the baby boomers and the millennials. Because the former are aging, they are less mobile and want to live in accessible communities with more amenities and less upkeep. The latter, meanwhile, are eschewing cars and embracing the environment, both of which explain their interest in self-contained communities that are simultaneously convenient and sustainable. This is especially true in suburban markets that previously lacked them, like Alpharetta, Georgia, home to Avalon, an 86-acre mixed-use community that includes more than 500,000 square feet of retail, a 12-screen movie theater, a full-service hotel, Class A office, single-family residences and luxury rental homes.

“Mixed-use developments are creating urban villages in suburban markets,” Hoffman observed, who said mixed-use has permanently altered the retail landscape in numerous important ways — both downtown and in the suburbs. Consider, for example, the evolution of retail anchors.

“The retail component of mixed-use centers is going to look a lot different than the retail we’re used to in malls and shopping centers,” Hoffman said. “Instead of department stores, you’re going to have new anchors that could include a health center or a boutique hotel, for example, with a mix of entertainment and food — a movie theater, a food hall or chef-driven restaurants.”

Retailers also can expect the mixed-use philosophy to migrate inside their stores in the form of multi-use retail. In 2016, for instance, Barnes & Noble introduced Barnes & Noble Kitchen, which is part restaurant and part bookstore. And in 2018, Office Depot introduced Workonomy Hub, an in-store coworking space for remote workers.

It’s all very innovative — but it isn’t necessarily new. Just look at the agoras of ancient Greece. “An agora was an open-air market where people lived and worked and shopped,” Hoffman concluded. “Mixed-use is a new development, but its based on some pretty ancient design templates.” 

CEO’s Column

“Execution is the ability to mesh strategy with reality, align people with goals, and achieve the promised results.” 

—Lawrence Bossidy, Execution

The Road: S2023 — Execution. 

PRSM2023 is PRSM’s strategic roadmap for the next 5 years. Now that our plan is in place, 2019 will be the first year of PRSM2023 execution.

PRSM2023 is comprised of multiple Strategic Tracks: 

Internally. PRSM is undertaking a “cultural evolution,” revamping our technology, evolving member engagement and positioning member resources to respond to and anticipate industry trends. A great place to see the progress under this strategic track is the new

Externally. PRSM is analyzing its market positioning and branding. PRSM Association is now more than 20 years old. The components of our name accurately portray our history and mission, but as retail facility management evolves, so must PRSM. Evolving the PRSM brand and market position is required if PRSM is to remain as the leading association focused on retail and consumer-facing multi-site facilities management, with the purpose of elevating knowledge and enhancing value for its members through the power of connection. Therefore, PRSM is investing resources and time to analyze the association’s strategic positioning.

Operationally. PRSM will continue to grow — especially our world-class events. But, in 2019 and beyond, our event lineup will change. The PRSM National Conference will remain the lynchpin of the PRSM event schedule — and you will see technological innovations this year at PRSM2019. We won’t be hosting our Mid-Year Conference (MYC) this year, but instead will replace MYC with PRSM Local events across North America. PRSM Events will deliver more value to the FM industry by having the association be more accessible to our members.

Aligning people with PRSM2023. At PRSM HQ, our staff is organized into two sections: Member Operations and Executive Operations. The two sections have distinctly different missions: 

Member Operations. Global Events, Membership Development and Knowledge and Resources comprise PRSM Member Operations. These business units deliver products or services directly to PRSM members, while continuing to evolve our products and services to better serve the FM industry.

Executive Operations. PRSM office management, Marketing and Communications, PRSM Canada, and support staff comprise Executive Operations. These business units keep members informed, make the association run and serve other business units. Executive Operation business units constantly evaluate how well they deliver value to the association and FM industry. 

PRSM Canada 2019 and Beyond. In the past, PRSM managed Canadian events and member relations via an employee in Toronto. In 2019, we will take a different approach and partner with an association management company, Managing Matters. Based in Toronto, Managing Matters is one of the 500 fastest growing companies in Canada. PRSM Canada will still host events that cater to the Eastern and Western regions of Canada. But, keep an eye out for more PRSM Canada activity throughout the year.

Ongoing feedback. I’d love to hear your thoughts about PRSM. Email me at or message me on twitter @byanek.